Contact Details
Telephone: 020 7377 5240
Contact Name: Stefan Joubert
London Guitar School for Adults
We specialise in adult guitar education. Our first and foremost goal is to help you develop your own unique style of guitar playing.
We want you to become a competent and knowledgeable guitarist. We want you to be able to improvise, play in a band, write your own songs, perform an etude on stage and just be a wonderful guitarist all round.
You are welcome regardless of your current level. Our door is open for beginners, intermediate and advanced adult guitarists.
We always start by laying a solid foundation. We make absolutely sure that your technique is strong and that you develop great habits from day one.
Caring for your guitar playing is our most important priority.
Your success and your future is on the line when you take guitar lessons in London. That is why we take giving guitar lessons so seriously. Without proper education, you will lack the necessary input needed to become a serious guitarist.
Even if playing the guitar is a pastime pleasure for you, why not develop the best technique that you can and make your life a lot easier?
So in a nutshell, you will get solid training from day one that will (eventually) turn you into the guitarist that you’ve always wanted to become.
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